Well, forget about which name is correct. My first time at Jakarta. Jakarta was a nice metropolis. Considerably on par with other metropolis like Shanghai, Tokyo and London to name a few cities around the globe which I had visited. Owh, much much bigger than KL. But bigger in the sense of people density, not high rise building and gleaming statures.. except many squatters sandwiched by the megastores, bungalows and high rise towers. Disparity among richest and poorest was sooo huge.. I was in a perception that, the disparity of standard of living in ASEAN countries still very much a concern. Not so much in Kiasuland, Bolehland and Thailand, but obviously in Indonesia, IndoChina and Philipines.
Anyway, Jakarta was a nice city. It was known as Sunda Kelapa among old folks, Batavia in imperialism period as well as Djakarta..
Moving around Jakarta for a day with chauffer driven will cost you from 350k rupiah. That was considered reasonable. Started with famous Indonesian Miniature Park.
It has an area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's 26 provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of housing architecture, clothing, dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably. Apart from that, there is a lake, cable cars, museums, a theater called the Theatre of My Nation (Theater Tanah Airku)
Another great spot was Ancol Theme Park. It was very very big indeed. Much much bigger than Genting Highlands. Jakarta's own theme park with over forty main rides and attractions. The theme park is divided into eight regions, Indonesia, Jakarta, Asia, Eropa (Europe), Amerika (America), Yunani (Greece), Hikayat (Fantasy) and Balada Kera (Monkey Parody). There were a seaworld, gondola rides etc etc.. Seaworld was just like our own Aquaria. Our trip ends at Monas, Monumen Nasional.
Shopping and entertainment are plenty there.. I managed to hang around at Mangga 2 and Plaza Indonesia.
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